Personal Blog

I’m Daniela Rose F. Gamueda 20 years old,I live in San Vicente Sto. Tomas City Batangas since 2007, I  have sibling named Peter Paul he’s my closest member of our family , well actually I’m not that close to my parents like the other and my brother is the one who’s can understand my moods. I used to hug and kiss him when I’m happy . Nobody can understand my true self than my brother even in a situation that everybody saying it about me he won’t believe it coz he knows me and he know what I’m capable to do. Its hard to lived life without someone who can trust that’s why I find some friend but nothing’s more greatful than a care of a brother.

While many kids are lucky enough to become the best of friends with their siblings, it’s common for brothers and sisters to fight . And as we growing older our compatibility becomes the opposites of our relation when we were young , actually were still close but not as close as we were . And now we’re old enough we’re having a lot of misunderstanding that turns to fighting that even our parents can’t understand why we fight like that. Sibling rivalry starts even before the second child is born, and continues as the kids grow and compete for everything from toys to attention but in my experience the my brother and I just start fighting when we’re old enough to handle the situation but we can’t and our parents is very angry because we’re so annoying and I see this advice to some parents which is true that Whenever possible, don’t get involved to your childs fight .

Step in only if there’s a danger of physical harm. If you always intervene, you’re creating other problems. The kids may start expecting your help and wait for you to come to the rescue rather than learning to work out the problems on their own, which is right because base on my experience when that situation happened and my mother intervene my brother’s quarrel grew worse . But my advice to every sister and brothers fight you must learn how to control some of your emotion for you to not get worst and fix the problems as soon as possible.

Importance of True Leadership

Leadership is about manipulating a group that is needed to be change or helping others to reach their potential, whatever size our circle of influence may today, if we work to improve as leaders, that circle of influence will enlarge.
A true leader act with integrity and establish trust to every member and also have a dedicated works. And a true leader knows who they are and what they stand for, they know their values and the rules they will abide by, regardless of the circumstances they face, creating an environment of certainty and trust, and get to know and care about the people they are leading. True leadership is important because the circumstance will be based on how the leader manage their group.

Strong Batangueño’s

Its been 13 days since the first day of Taal Volcano was erupting, many people evacuated from their home because of the continuous eruption. Many evacuees thinking how they will start again and also the L.G.U’s said that they can’t support all the victims of Taal Volcano if the eruption continue at 7 months. We as  Batanguenos are helping our fellowmen in their everydays that living at evacuation places. In Cavite they used the ashfall to make a blocks and donate it to the victims of Taal Volcano for the start of building their homes some people selling the ashfall and some of us donate it, and from that we will rise again from ashes.